Founded by Apostle Julius Suubi, Highway of holiness ministry is at the forefront of prayer, revival, and community transformation in Kenya and around the globe. The ministry’s purpose of changing lives and transforming nations through prayer, revival, healing, deliverance, and intimacy with God is the heartbeat of Apostle Suubi. Additionally, the ministry aims to raise an army of disciples to bring about the end-time revival to the cities, nations, and unreached people groups in the five continents of the world. The ministry is impacting nations with the fire of prayer and intercession.
The thirst for prayer in the nations has necessitated the opening of schools of prayer in different parts of the world, i.e., Kenya, Uganda, Canada, USA, Hong Kong Malaysia, China, and Australia. Apostle Julius Suubi’s burdens to bring the nations back to God has led him to several commissions under H.O.H.M.I including, a church Exploits Worship center in Kenya that has several branches in different parts of the country, a 24/7 prayer altar in the heart of Nairobi city, Revive Kenya Now, Heaven’s Fire Prayer Summit an annual summit, and The Children of Destiny schools which reaches out to the less fortunate.
Drawn from Isaiah 35:8″ A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray…” From this verse is where the name Highway of holiness originates from. Our prayer is that as the children of God saved by his grace we may walk in righteousness and understand that Christ has called us to walk in holiness and he is the way, the truth and the life