The Dimensions of the Supernatural Light.

  1. The Supernatural Life.

When the Bible talks about light, it refers to the supernatural life. When Christ was on earth, he lived a supernatural life: At no point was he ever a victim to the kingdom of darkness; inasmuch as the devil tried to tempt him, our Lord emerged victorious.  Moreover, the forces of nature were in total submission to him, and miracles were never a rare sight to him.  This is the same life we received when we accepted Christ as our Lord and Saviour. It’s superior to the Adamic life, a life bound by sin and the shackles of darkness.

But despite having received this superior life, why are countless Christians still bound in certain areas of their lives? John the Baptist said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Though the cross assures us absolute victory and dominion over sin, we have never experienced the fullness of that victory because we are still holding onto our natural life. If we are to experience and express the totality of the kingdom life, we must decrease and let the life of Christ increase in us.

For the supernatural light to increase and abound in us, we must lay aside everything that glorifies the Adamic life. Your only assurance of sustained victory against life’s perils is in striving daily to ensure the life of God finds more expression through your daily living.


  1. Revelation

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1 (KJV)

Light also refers to the revelational knowledge.  What separates the children of God from the sons of God is the dimension of light they operate in. In your walk with the Lord, you will realise that there are dimensions you cannot operate in with your present level of revelation.

While much of what we do in life fails because it springs from a place of ambition, David never acted impulsively. Before he could go to battle, he inquired of the lord and only acted after receiving divine instruction. Moreover, he added by saying, “The entrance of thy words giveth light.”  As you dig deeper into the word of God and earnestly seek his counsel, the resulting revelational knowledge will increase the spiritual light in your life.


  1. The power of God.

“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” John 1:5 (KJV)

While darkness is used in reference to the power of the demonic kingdom, light represents the sovereign power of God.  As you advance into higher realms, you will need greater authority to combat the forces domiciled in those realms. Take the example of the disciples, though they had successfully dealt with demonic forces, they encountered a spirit of a higher rank that required more than prayer.

When the light increases in your life, the power of the Holy Spirit will gain new heights in your life; consequently, the chains of darkness that kept you in mediocrity will begin to tear down.

However, it’s needful for me to point out that our greatest enemy is the flesh, not the devil. And if anything, it’s only through the flesh that the devil gains a foothold in your life. Therefore, to increase the supernatural light of God in your life, it’s imperative for you to crucify the flesh. The presence of sin in your life will stop the increase of this supernatural light in your life.

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